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Estates Management Report 2024

The Higher Education Estates Management Report 2024 (EMR) is now available, and at a point where university finances have become headline news. As always the report creates benchmarking opportunities for university estates teams, and helps them understand long-term trends on estates income and expenditure. As every institution closely examines its financial position we can see clear and unhelpful trends in the overall operating costs of the estate, driven by energy and insurance price rises; an overall rise in estates income eaten away by inflation; a small, slow but steady erosion of the condition of the estate as maintenance budgets are squeezed; and capital spend not yet recovered to anything like its pre-pandemic level.

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Neurodiversity - Design and management guide now available

Increasingly the association is interested in the ways in which inclusive design can make our buildings and campuses better working and living environments for the widest possible range of people. Serving the needs of neurodiverse members of our university communities is a key part of inclusive design – our new guide will quickly get you beyond ‘beginner status’ on this theme.

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Well the assumption is... Conversations with women leaders in estates and facilities

The AUDE report 'Well the assumption is...: Conversations with women leaders in estates and facilities' is the result of conversations with female members of the association. It examines barriers to careers success for women, and is a strand of the work of the AUDE EDI Group. Our report participants consistently highlighted issues including invisibility of the career path; ‘casual sexism’ (anything but casual in its ability to undermine); unequal expectations placed upon women; and health, maternity and menopause. Read the report to boost your understanding of these issues and more.

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Legacy Buildings Guide

AUDE last addressed the issue of legacy buildings in a 2008 report, so it is high time that we return to a subject that matters more and more. In managing our carbon obligations and in operating within tight financial constraints, the estates teams of today need more flexibility and creativity than ever before in getting the most possible from every building and every campus space. With capital spend in the overall Higher Education estate a clear £1bn down on its pre-pandemic levels, every university is looking to get the most from its older buildings. In the new AUDE Legacy Buildings Guide we look at these and related issues. We are grateful to Arup for their support in creating the new guide, as well as to the many AUDE members that had a helpful hand in its development.

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New Guide to Decarbonisation available to download now

We are very pleased to be able to publish our new tool ‘A Guide to Decarbonisation’, a project commissioned from Arup. Every AUDE member university knows that decarbonisation of the estate sits high on the institutional task list, but it can seem daunting in terms of both cost and process. Where do we start? How do we finance the multiple sub-projects involved, and schedule them into a coherent plan of action that aligns with corporate strategy? How do we prioritise between the options available to us and consider our own unique position as universities in the decisions we make?

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Upcoming Events

Help the individual, help the university



Time: 11.00 - 12.00

A personal story about menstruation, menopause and hidden disability to help you connect with your role in creating meaningful change, with Emma Brookes.
This will be of interest to everyone with a professional interest in equality, diversity and inclusion in the workplace – and as our new report, ‘Well the assumption is…: Conversations with women leaders in estates and facilities’ states, that really should be all of us.

WAUDE Regional Directors Meeting


Aberystwyth University

Date: 11- 12 February 2025
Time: Meeting on 12th February from approx. 0900 – 1500.

Optional evening dinner on 11th February (free) at the Park Lodge Hotel,  Park y Llyn, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, Wales, SY23 3TL.

Optional accommodation: Park Lodge Hotel (£100 including breakfast). 

If you have any queries, please email 

Student mental health and student accommodation – “duty of c...



Time: 11.00 to 12.00

This webinar, delivered by Mills & Reeve, is specifically designed for colleagues in estates and facilities teams.  Through a mixture of powerpoint presentation and facilitated discussion, it will explore some of the key issues and challenges that can arise for universities in managing student mental health in a student accommodation setting, in both university owned and private student accommodation.


It's time to reinvigorate Space!


Martin Higgs

Are you passionate about space management within Higher Education? Do you have fresh ideas and a desire to make a lasting impact? We’re excited to announce an opportunity to reinvigorate the AUDE Space Management Group Committee! 

Legacy Buildings Guide now available


Martin Higgs

Estates teams of today need more flexibility and creativity than ever before in getting the most possible from every building and every campus space. With capital spend in the overall Higher Education estate a clear £1bn down on its pre-pandemic level, every university is looking to get the most from its older buildings.

The 2024 AUDE Survey on RAAC in UK Higher Education Estates


Martin Higgs

The 2024 AUDE Survey on RAAC in UK Higher Education Estates is launched on Tuesday 24 September and will be open to a single senior representative from each AUDE member institution in the UK (currently 184 institutions) for them to complete a response during the period 24 September to 3 October. 

All news

AUDE Sodexo Social and Informal Learning Spaces Report

AUDE set the brief on managing social and informal learning spaces (S&ILS) in the context of what AUDE’s members need to consider.

Download the full report

Latest on Sustainability Leadership Scorecard

AUDE are today re-launching their existing Sustainability Leadership Scorecard (SLS), with a new look and feel and easier access. It is a free, online and available to all AUDE and EAUC members.

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Professional Development

AUDE believes that learning and development should be at the heart of a high-performing estates and facilities management team. As part of our role we will develop your knowledge through networking, providing you with relevant resources and a variety of events.

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Business Partners

AUDE are pleased to be partnered with the following businesses:

Over 30 years of experience across over 200 Higher and Further Education Institutions.

Avison Young

EQUANS improves lives through better living and working environments. We help to balance performance with responsibility, enabling progress in a harmonious way.



LitmusFM provides facilities management consultancy and asset management services to University settings across the UK.  We aim to reduce waste and inefficiency in service design, construction, asset management protocols and maintenance and replacement processes, saving money and delivering real value.

The Litmus FM Services



Maris Education is a division of Maris Interiors LLP and specialises in providing fast-track, design, fit-out and refurbishment solutions for universities.

Maris Interiors



A national law firm and market-leading adviser to higher education providers.

Mills & Reeve



Provelio are leading experts in the management, delivery and digitisation of estates, programmes and projects across the property and construction sectors. We specialise in estates management thinking; and seek to do work that integrates space, energy, projects and operations.




Your Trusted Partner in Education



With over 30 years FF&E experience Southernsbroadstock offer a consultative approach to ensure we deliver a solution which is tailored to your furniture needs. 



SSE Energy Solutions is a division of SSE that delivers ‘Business Energy’ electricity & gas supply as well as ‘Distributed Energy’ infrastructure solutions to public and private businesses across the UK and Ireland.


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