Hear from the growing BIM4Estates group as they discuss their approach/developments within their organisation to improving Estates operations and strategic information.
The BIM4Estates group will discuss its objectives as a peer to peer network currently of 40 participants and how your institute can benefit from getting involved as they look to improve the sector.
The session will cover:
• A brief overview of the speakers priorities within their organisations,
• Introduction to BIM4Estates
• The groups affiliation with NIMA
• The benefits they are hoping to achieve
• Why the group are prioritising certain tasks and;
• How they plan to tackle the challenges that lie ahead.
Discussions will include conversation on BIM, GIS, CAFM, Digital Twins & Smart Campuses.
Speakers: Brett Plant, Systems and Digital Information Manager, BIM4Estates; Paul Eyden, Planning Manager, BIM4Estates and Rich Draper, Head of BIM and Digital Assets, BIM4Estates
Tagged : Strategic Facilities Management, Strategic Facilities Management Group
Type : Training
Please contact info@aude.ac.uk for more information