EDI XII: A 12-part series to help estates and facilities colleagues get up to speed on their equality, diversity and inclusion professional practice
Session 5: Being an Inclusion Ally
Time: 12pm - 1pm
An Inclusion Ally is a colleague who supports all colleagues, especially those that may be feeling excluded, marginalised, unwell, confused, lonely or vulnerable. Inclusion Allies don’t have to feel aligned to one particular group, protected characteristic or staff network: being an Inclusion Ally is the opportunity that we all have to show our support and feel supported. This interactive webinar will help empower colleagues with tools and techniques to set up for inclusion, role model inclusive behaviours and be an Inclusion Ally for all.
What we will explore:
Tagged : EDI, Strategy, Professional Development, audehomeevent
Type : Training
Please contact info@aude.ac.uk for more information