
The second Big Conversation event from AUDE took place on 25 January 2018 at AUDE, Liverpool Hope University.

100 delegates attended, a mix of directors of estates and commercial organisations. As part of AUDE’s 25th anniversary the day looked at ‘25 years of HE Estates – Lessons from the past to build our future’.

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Highlights video available upon request
In depth video of speaker sessions available upon request

Speaker presentations, available to download: 

About the event

The event provided a forum and opportunity for discussion, consultation and exchange. It allowed for debate and idea sharing from estates teams around the country, with input from speakers such as Professor Janet Beer (Vice - Chancellor of Liverpool University and President Elect of UUK), Alison Johns of the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education, David Malcolm from the Equality Challenge Unit and Harvey Dowdy, newly appointed Director of Estates at University of Lincoln.


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