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Thursday 28 June

Friday 27 June

Group project work for AUDE Summer School Class of 2018 - 2019

“Delivering integrated Facilities within a more efficient and sustainable Estate.”

Group Project

  1. Working with colleagues from across the AUDE community
  2. Exploring key insights from the Summer School
  3. Enabling practical improvements to Institutional performance

Group Project four territories to explore

1. Best Practices

 Who are the exemplars within Higher Education, and beyond, and how have you engaged with them?

2. Institutional Application

What have you introduced or applied to your HEIs and what has been the impact so far?

3. Personal Learning

 What have you learned from being part of this experience and what are you doing with these insights?

4. AUDE Recommendations

Based on your Group’s work, what are your recommendations and suggested actions for fellow AUDE colleagues?

Group Project submissions 

 Group A :What are the key skills/attributes of the directors of estates of the future, who can successfully deliver integrated facilities efficiently, effectively and sustainably for the campus of the future part 1

Group A: What are the key skills/attributes of the directors of estates of the future, who can successfully deliver integrated facilities efficiently, effectively and sustainably for the campus of the future part 2  

Group B: Delivering Integrated Facilities Within a More Efficient and Sustainable Estate - The Mindful Estate

Group B: Presentation 

Group C: Customer Service Excellence

Group D: Effectiveness v s. Efficiency - A Students Perspective 

Group E: To People through People – adopting, changing and understanding Culture

Group F: Mapping the competencies needed for a director of estates to manage the campus of the future

Group F: Presentation 

AUDE Group Project Recommendations and Actions 

Under the broad heading of “Delivering integrated Facilities within a more efficient and sustainable Estate”, we tasked the six groups to build on their course insights to develop practical improvements to institutional performance. We asked them to explore best practice, investigating and bringing to light the work that should influence us all. We asked them to describe the impact of their work; and reflect on their own key learnings from Summer School. And, as AUDE, we wanted their input on how we can improve and act to better support estates teams in future.

This report details their findings and is intended to inform the AUDE Executive about how we have taken on board these recommendations and highlight any work still to do.

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