Please save the date for the 2025 AUDE Showcase event.
Monday 1 & Tuesday 2 September - University of Nottingham
The Showcase is being held at the University of Nottingham’s East Midlands Conference Centre on 2 September, with a site tour and hospitality options in the afternoon and evening of 1 September.
The Showcase will give an opportunity for AUDE's Special Interest Groups to talk to you about their latest work and newest projects. This will be an event where you can grow your own network of practitioners in your field, tap into the latest discussions, and find out how to get involved. The event is for all AUDE members, not just those currently actively involved in one of these groups. It’ll be a learning opportunity too, with exhibitors showing you the latest in operational products and services, and a plenary panel to steer our thinking.
We look forward to sharing further information with you soon. However you are welcome to contact AUDE’s Events Manager Corinne Merriman now, for opportunities for members and non-members to attend, and for sponsorship opportunities.
The AUDE Showcase will be CPD accredited.