EQUANS, formed in July 2021, is part of the ENGIE Group and brings together ENGIE’s UK & Ireland services-led activity under a new brand. All of ENGIE’s UK & Ireland activity in technical services & facilities management, energy efficiency and regeneration are now part of EQUANS – along with our specialist energy related capabilities: in smart buildings, green mobility, district & embedded energy and decentralised renewables. Our 17,000 employees combine these capabilities for the benefit of individuals, businesses and communities throughout the UK & Ireland.
EQUANS improves lives through better living and working environments. We help to balance performance with responsibility, enabling progress in a harmonious way.
We work alongside government departments, local authorities and the wider public sector as a strategic partner for developing more sustainable, efficient and vibrant communities.
We enable customers to embrace a lower carbon, more efficient and increasingly digital world. Our customers benefit from our energy efficient and smart building solutions, the provision of effective and innovative services, the transformation of neighbourhoods through regeneration projects, and the supply of reliable, flexible and renewable energy.
Andrew Troop, Senior Partnership Development Manager for Higher Education
Not only are we able to create and shape communities across the country, but we also have the expertise to maintain and support them – ensuring that we are offering sustainable initiatives that deliver a lifelong impact. We are a market leader in both urban regeneration and district energy, a significant provider of place-based services and energy efficiency and we have the ability to develop smart digital solutions and the connected home.
At EQUANS, we are passionate about improving the lives of the communities that we serve so they can continue to thrive and grow. From homes to hospitals, schools to municipal buildings - our broad set of skills provides a unique offer that will make a real difference.
Our Vision

Energy lies at the heart of human progress. At EQUANS, we are convinced that “the common good is good for business”. Therefore, EQUANS is offering its customers a unique “as a service” approach to make the zero-carbon transition accessible through integrated, tailor-made and co-financed solutions.
In order to support all our customers in their journeys to zero carbon, we must lead by example - to date we have delivered:
- 56% decrease in CO2 between 2012 and 2018 (targeting +20% by 2020)
- 93% of activities are now low-carbon
- 9 GW increase in renewable energies
To achieve this ambition, we rely on the commitment of our Imaginative Builders community, formed by the Group's employees and all those who work with EQUANS (customers, cities, start-ups, students, suppliers and NGOs).
We are already working in partnership with universities in the UK and US, including a first-of-its-kind $1.2 billion, 50-year public private partnership with Ohio University, to manage, operate and optimise the university’s utility systems and reduce energy consumption by 25% within 10 years. The partnership will also deliver a new Energy Advancement and Innovation Centre - a living laboratory where faculty, students, alumni, entrepreneurs, industry experts, and EQUANS researchers can collaborate on next-generation technologies such as smart energy systems, renewable energy, and green mobility.
- EQUANS, part of the ENGIE Group, was formed in July 2021, bringing together ENGIE’s UK & Ireland services-led activity under a new brand
- ENGIE Group is active in 70 countries, employs 170,000 people worldwide and achieved revenues of €55.8 billion in 2020. We are the number-one independent power producer in the world
- In the UK we have 17,000 employees, manage 25m m2 of space, and supply 2.2GW of low carbon energy. We offer regeneration, new build development, energy and FM services across Education, Social Housing, Health, Local Government & Blue-light sectors
Education Experience
EQUANS has significant experience in the Education sector through delivering energy infrastructure, estate regeneration and total facility management services at more than 250 education establishments across the UK, from multi-site university campuses to single school sites. We support our partners by:
- Transforming energy supply through turnkey, tailor-made and co-financed & fully funded solutions - reducing consumption, improving efficiency and delivering smart building solutions
- Developing estates and assets - by delivering high quality new build and refurbishment projects in both academic and accommodation environments
- Managing estates and infrastructure - Every day ensuring academic facilities are functional, efficient, clean, safe, and secure for students, staff, and visitors
- Integrating regeneration, FM & energy solutions into lifecycle partnerships that deliver EQUANS investment, consulting expertise and significant cost savings - see Kingston and Leicester University long-term partnerships
We consistently deliver tangible improvements to the well-being, safety and achievement of young people by working at a strategic level, developing solutions to assist with all aspects of your estate and facilities environments.
University Collaboration
Our wealth of experience in working with clients in both public and private education is what gives us the knowledge and the know-how to deliver continuous improvement and outstanding results. We want to collaborate and anticipate the future needs of our customers and encourage a creative and entrepreneurial spirit in everything we do:
- EQUANS is providing Aston University with low carbon heating through the Birmingham District Energy Company. This partnership with Birmingham City Council utilises large-scale CHP technology through tri-generation, to produce heat, electricity and chilled water. The scheme generates 60MW heat, 4.9MW cooling and 6.7MWe CHP and saves a total of 12,000 tonnes of CO2 per annum. We have similar relationships with Leicester, Newcastle and Reading universities
- EQUANS in collaboration with Kingston University, Equitix and Fresh Student Living - through a Student Housing Partnership (SHP) - is delivering 1,332 fully refurbished, energy efficient bedrooms to the Kingston Hill and Seething Wells halls of residences (£55m). This includes roof-top and KCR extensions, a new management suite, a social hub, a business incubation space and a community events building. EQUANS has also taken an equity stake in the project
- EQUANS worked in partnership with UBS Triton, to undertake an extensive £3.5m refurbishment of Orient House, Chelsea, providing re-modernised and safe accommodation for students. ENGIE refurbished and remodelled living and social spaces, comprising 155 bedrooms, 50 kitchens, 2 common areas, a cinema and a games lounge in 16 weeks
- ENGIE currently operate and maintain Bloomsbury Heat and Power through an SPV with a consortium of London universities - providing greater energy resilience on site, accessing more affordable heat and power, and reducing member’s overall environmental impact and energy consumption
- Following London Metropolitan University’s recognition as the best university for CO2 emissions reduction in 2014, the estates team developed a Carbon Management Plan, to reduce emissions by a further 50% (by 2020). Through the RE:FIT framework EQUANS were selected as partner and agreed a guaranteed Investment Grade Proposal (IGP) to deliver
- EQUANS provides TFM services to the University of Edinburgh’s medical research facility on the site of the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh (the largest biological research site in Scotland). This contract runs until 2026
- National Maritime College of Ireland - Cork Institute of Technology (CIT) - EQUANS provides services including cleaning, helpdesk & hard FM and the contract runs until October 2029
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Get in touch
We’re happy to have an initial chat or meet to discuss more specific requirements, please contact:
Ben Harrop
Development Director, Places and Communities Division, +44(0)7918 628007