The Higher Education Estates Management Report 2024 (EMR) is now available, and at a point where university finances have become headline news. As always the report creates benchmarking opportunities for university estates teams, and helps them understand long-term trends on estates income and expenditure.
If you have any questions regarding the EMR contact
The AUDE report 'Well the assumption is...: Conversations with women leaders in estates and facilities' is the result of conversations with female members of the association. It examines barriers to careers success for women, and is a strand of the work of the AUDE EDI Group. Our report participants consistently highlighted issues including invisibility of the career path; ‘casual sexism’ (anything but casual in its ability to undermine); unequal expectations placed upon women; and health, maternity and menopause. Read the report to boost your understanding of these issues and more.
This toolkit guide has been produced for use by AUDE member universities to support the improvement of new and existing estates.
AUDE advises that you watch the video on the Inclusive Environments page before reading the guide.
This is the 4th in a series of template policy documents designed by AUDE’s Strategic Facilities Management special interest group.
Contractors working for the University are required to conduct themselves and their work activities in a manner that ensures the health and safety of all employees and others who may be affected by their activities.
The latest of our template policies, created for us by our Strategic FM special interest group, is now available and covers driving safely on campus.
This policy template sets out a University’s position on driving safely on its campuses.
Driving is essential to the functioning of our Universities however it is potentially one of the most dangerous activities our employees undertake.
Including neurodiversity into the design of new and existing buildings is vital for a successful campus. This training video, provided by Buro Happold, provides advice and information about what neurodiversity is and how you should consider it when designing your campus.
Whatever the era of our buildings we can be faced with a patchwork campus created using all kinds of technologies, including largely obsolete ones that don’t match up easily with the expectations of our staff and students today. Buildings of the last 30 years are now starting to be listed: this picture is a moving one.
This policy template sets out a University’s position on the use of e-scooters and e-bikes on its campuses.
The use of sustainable methods of travel are encouraged wherever possible by students, staff, tenants and visitors, whilst also ensuring that the safety and comfort of our community is fully considered.
A template policy for members to use to outline an approach to managing visitors coming to university premises and ensure they have safe and enjoyable visits in accordance with expectations of providing a safe, inclusive and welcoming environment for all.
Following specific research for AUDE, this report will help members benchmark reward and renumeration packages across the sector, understand vacancy levels and develop a strategy to address recruitment challenges.
This guide will help you develop your decarbonisation plan. With practical advice, specifications and guidance it draws on the experience and expertise of our members and partners in supporting you in this fundamental activity.
Read the review of our Big Conversation 2023 event, held on 15 and 16 November at the University of Oxford
The 2023 Sustainability Leadership Scorecard Annual Impact Report is now available.
AUDE is very pleased today to be able to share with members the results of a piece of work commissioned from the Education Design Unit, in the format of a new report ‘Optimising University Estates’.
‘The use and impact of technology on FM service provision in universities’, is the report of the July 2023 roundtable discussion held with colleagues from our Strategic Facilities Management Group (led by Lucy Black of the University of Plymouth), and representatives from partner organisations including Sodexo, OCS and Skanska.
Focus on campus changes that
make the biggest impact to
student experience
August 2023
AUDE's 2022 Big Conversation event was held in October and November 2022 in both digital and in-person formats including at the University of Sheffield, and our theme was 'University estates: Time to refocus?' But what did our delegates, speakers, and panelists suggest we focus on after the huge disruption of the pandemic? Thank you so much to all of our participants.
AUDE and HEDQF launch update report on its ongoing research into the impact of the built environment on student outcomes
AUDE set the brief on managing social and informal learning spaces (S&ILS)
in the context of what AUDE’s members need to consider.
The AUDE Space Management Group publishes this discussion
This report presents the results of a survey of University estates staff, carried out by the Association for Decentralised Energy, in co-operation with AUDE and the Scottish Association of University Directors of Estates (SAUDE), and a workshop to further explore and validate the
This report looks at the way the collective experience of working off-campus during the Covid-19 pandemic has changed attitudes, perceptions and habits in higher education across the world.
In the newly published AUDE Annual Capital Cost Database Report AUDE and partners AECOM have taken a look at the progress of the database during its first year in action.
This AUDE Briefing Note does not attempt to act as “advice” on technical issues the detail of which is beyond our remit. But we are aiming to help AUDE directors of estates/members to think through the issues raised.
Our annual estates management report (EMR) work underpins the strategic decisions made in estates teams in universities across the country. It represents the hard facts and accurate data for big choices in estates management and future investment.
Our annual estates management report (EMR) work underpins the strategic decisions made in estates teams in universities across the country. It represents the hard facts and accurate data for big choices in estates management and future investment.
Take a look at AUDE's highlights and achievements from the last 12 months.
Nobody knows as much as everybody. COVID-19 and the future of the university estate - a report.
The sector has a transformational ‘All in One’ tool, which captures data and performance from many sources and builds one definitive picture of an institution’s performance.
In this report we will consider both our morning and afternoon plenaries, and the lessons we can take home from them. I am very grateful indeed to all who joined us on 7 February in Hull - our speakers and guests, our sponsors ENGIE and exhibitors.
We're moving at different speeds in our understanding of where digital technologies are taking us - as individuals, as estates teams, as universities. Fears, concerns and misunderstandings are inevitable, but delegates at the event will be sure that the opportunities are huge too.
A unique publication celebrating 25 years of AUDE which features contributions from 100 UK higher education institutions, ten guest essays from senior estates professionals and a foreword from the association's founding chairs.
Analysing data from across the sector, AUDE has produced a report looking at how universities need to develop to meet the needs of Generation Z.
Whilst the AUDE annual report looks at universities as a whole, there has been a view within the sector that individual institutions need to compare themselves against a more appropriate set of institutions which share a number of key characteristics.