AUDE’s coaching programme allows members to develop their career through structured one-to-one conversations to enhance an individual’s skills, knowledge or work performance. It involves estates and facilities management professional in higher education from 186 institutions in the UK and Republic of Ireland. This initiative offers unique career development opportunities and we encourage members to get involved. The programme requires coaches to volunteer their time to help another member progress their learning and career. They can take place in person or virtually depending on any restrictions in place.
Coaching is a personalised development experience which can deliver enhanced knowledge, improved performance and insight, and lasting change. It creates a supportive environment that develops critical thinking skills, ideas, and behaviours about a topic/issue specific to you. Coaching takes place in real time, in a one-to-one situation with a coach that has been personally selected taking into account personal learning style and specific needs at the time.
Coaching can typically be;
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For potential participant: as part of your usual professional development process, individuals may discuss coaching as either a way of developing their current role or as part of their career development into a different role. The line manager will agree with them what this will look like and how much time can be allowed for this activity. Your line manager should at this stage be made aware of the AUDE work coaching programme and you should both agree if this is the best way forward to develop your career. Your own institution may have a similar work coaching programme for you to consider.
For potential coaches: before registering as an AUDE coach we recommend you discuss the opportunity with your line manager. The line manager will agree with you what this will look like and how much time can be allowed for this activity. Your line manager should at this stage be made aware of the AUDE coaching programme and you should both agree for you to register as a coach.
A coach is the person who agrees to offer support, career advice and mentoring to a participant. This role does involve some preparation and thought and is not just about having contact with you for an agreed time span. A coach needs to consider if the time requested is the best time for the coaching to take place and how long each period of coaching should be for. They will also need to take into consideration their work obligations and ensure that the coaching experience does not get in the way of their day-to-day responsibilities.
A participant needs to consider why they are doing the coaching and, what they hope to achieve. They will also need to do some preparation which will involve working with their line manager or the coach to set objectives for the sessions. Following the coaching it's important to review and discuss outcomes and what happens next.
The AUDE website allows coaches and participants to register themselves to be involved in the programme and contact suitable members, click here for details.
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